I'maself-motivatedprofessionalwithmorethan5years ofexperienceinwebdevelopmentandgraphicdesign.Extensiveexperiencein leadingprojectsfromthestarttocompletion.Highlyskilledinadobesoftware suchasIllustrator,Photoshop,AfterEffects,AuditionandInDesign.Familiar withHTML,CSS,Javascript,PHP&mySQL,butalsopopularwebbuildingplatforms suchasWordpress,WixandShopify.
Skills & Experience
Design, update, and maintain functionality of websites through manual code and/or content management systems.
Highly proficient in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator. My work is done through Illustrator and with advanced modifications on Photoshop.
Fluent in the following coding languages: git, html, css, javascript, node, php, mySQL and python.
My career started with a digital imaging class in high school. It was probably the only good decision I made back then, to be honest. But let's not get into that..
From there, I taught myself photography and image enhancing. I enjoyed what I was doing, and others also seemed to feel the same. Soon enough, I found myself being hired to take photos at special events and Photoshop family photos for friends.
Mt Sierra College is where I learned the know-hows of interactive design. I worked on an app for musicians as a passion project, and my professor was impressed with what I had in a short amount of time. He recommended me to design apps for the school, and that's exactly what I did.
During the Spring quarter, of my junior year, I was hired to develop Mt Sierra College's first app. The App was ready for launch in the Google Play and Apple Market at the start of the Winter Quarter the same year.
My Work
Graphics Supervisor
Motion Graphics Designer
Motion Graphics Designer
Graphic Designer & Front End Developer
Graphic Designer
Web Designer & Developer
App Developer / Web Admin / Graphic Designer
My clients